Thursday, December 1, 2016

Anchors, links, etc.

This is practical information for use in blogging.

I often include links, for instance, this one that could appear in at least 3 forms:

(1) Click here:

(2) Click here.

(3) A post titled "17 days later: Some reasons for hope and concern"

Underlying each is the following (I'm using the target that will open a new page and to avoid having the codes actually activate, I'm substituting^ for the pointed brackets, or whatever they're called < and > or < and >):

(1) Click here:

^a href="" target="_blank"^^/a^

(2) Click here.

Click ^a href="" target="_blank"^here^/a^

(3) A post titled "17 days later: Some reasons for hope and concern"

A post titled ^a href="" target="_blank"^"17 days later: Some reasons for hope and concern"^/a^


How about links to a spot in the same page?

I found clear instructions here:

Which I will quote:

. . . HTML page anchors allow visitors to jump to a specific place in the current webpage, or to jump to a specific place on another web page.
You usually implement HTML anchors if you want a graphic or text to link half way down another page. That way your visitor isn't required to read all through the page to get to the part their interested in.

[End of quote]

So, for example, I could send you to a phrase at the beginning of this post by having you click here.

the codes:

click ^a href=""^here^/a^.


^a name="practical"^practical information^/a^

And I can link to a spot on another page, by having you click here

The codes:

click ^a href=""^here^/a^. and

^a name="note1"^Note 1^/a^ [this being found on the other page]

[I think going into HTML may wreck these codes, but maybe if I can put them in and then avoid going into HTML?]